6 Now Extinct Dog Breeds You Will Never Get To Pet (With Pictures)

Extinct Dog Breeds Pictures

Doggiebreeds.com – There are hundred dog breeds on earth today and many of them are commonly favored by human. People should know that there should be more. Maybe, these extinct dog breeds were owned by our great-grandparents in the past. If they exist today, of course people will be attracted to compete purchasing them.

Extinct Dog Breeds that Do Not Longer Exist Today

Extinct Dog Breeds
Extinct Dog Breeds

Some description about the extinct dog breeds as follow might give you a further knowledge about valuable old dog breeds that ever exist in this earth. At a glance, you may think they probably have similarities with some dog breeds today, but actually they are much different.

  1. Cordoba Fighting Dog
Extinct Dog Breeds Pictures
Extinct Dog Breeds Pictures
  • Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Breed status: Extinct
  • Origin: Argentina
  • Other names: Perro de Pelea Cordobés; Cordobese dog
  • Higher classification: Dog
  • Rank: Breed

It was noted for its bravery to fight to death and enemy. History admitted that the extinction of this breed was mostly caused by dog fighting. Members of this breed were aggressive, that they choose to fight than mate which leads to the breed extinction.

  1. English Water Spaniel
English Water Spaniel Pictures
English Water Spaniel Pictures
  • Breed status: Extinct
  • Other names: Water Dog; Water Rug
  • Origin: United Kingdom
  • Higher classification: Dog

This breed has been extinct since the early of 20th century. People used to take care of it for some reasons. One of them is for hunting. It is described as similar to a collie with curly fur. Because of its figure, it is believed that its genetic influenced several modern dog breeds.

  1. Hare Indian Dog
Hare Indian Dog Pictures
Hare Indian Dog Pictures
  • Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Origin: Canada
    Other names: Mackenzie River dog; Trap line dog; C. familiaris lagopus (obsolete)
  • Higher classification: Dog
  • Rank: Breed

It was noted that members of this breed had some physical characteristics of the coyote. They interbred with other dogs and the pure breed eventually extinct.

  1. Molossus
Molossus Dog Pictures
Molossus Dog Pictures
  • Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Higher classification: Dog
  • Rank: Breed
  • Origin: Greece, Albania

Some scholars contend that it was a war dog, as well as allegedly as an ancestor of mastiffs. However, its physical characteristics are debated.

  1. Paisley Terrier
Paisley Terrier Pictures
Paisley Terrier Pictures

This breed was originating in Scotland. Its physical characteristic was at a glance similar to the Skye terrier, but it was shorter. Its weight was around 7 kg. This breed is one type of incredibly cool extinct dog breeds in physical characteristic that were described as having silky fur and flowing silvery soft coat.

  1. Tahltan Bear Dog
Tahltan Bear Dog Pictures
Tahltan Bear Dog Pictures
  • Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Height: 14 – 17 in. (Adult, At Shoulder)
  • Breed status: Extinct
  • Origin: Canada
  • Temperament: Courageous, Gentle, Friendly
  • Colors: Black & White, Blue & White

It was mostly black, dark brown or blue. Their pointed ears were erect, make them easily recognized. It is noted as foxy in appearance. Beside of the physical characteristics, another uniqueness of this group is a peculiar yodel.

Those are the extinct dog breeds that disappeared due to natural selection. Some of extinction is caused by dog fighting, while the others might be hunted. If they exist now, they must be as worth as today’s popular dog breeds.

Over centuries, breeds are created and then disappeared. The unique histories of those extinct dog breeds are important to note. At least, you will know that they existed as recent as the 20th century. Maybe you will realize that an ancient ancestor of your dog was one of them.

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