– It is not easy to choose right dog, especially for beginner. Some matters are important to be considered in order to prevent unwanted situation. What is best dog breed for me? This is basic answer that takes time and effort to find the proper answer. Dog owner should create list about preference and character of what kind of dog they want. Some matters are environment, family, time spending, health record, local regulation, and dog support community.
The Top and Best Dog Breed for Me

#1. Labrador Retriever
One of the best dog breed for me is Labrador retriever. Having dog takes commitment and effort which turn into tiresome condition when picking the wrong breed. Labrador retriever has loyal and intelligent traits then lovely personality. It is better to have this dog from puppy then train it to recognize its owner. This dog needs low maintenance and suitable for any place such as apartment, rural, suburban, or residential in city. Another consideration is Golden Retriever with similar traits and personalities.

#2. German Shepherd
Why is German shepherd on this list? You see this dog as one of popular breeds for police and military that takes constant training. However, this dog is also eligible for first owner due to intelligent and loyalty. For your information, this breed is categorized as the second dog in popularity after Labrador retriever. This means you have chance to enjoy good activity with German shepherd every day.

#3. Poodle
Having Poodle at home requires effort but not much. There are several sub-breed of poodle, but you need to find the best dog breed for yourself. For small size, this breed is easy to keep on couch while enjoying movie to spend leisure time. Good temperament is the reason to put those breed as option for beginner.

#4. Greyhound
One of top choices and the best dog breed for me is Greyhound. At first glance, this breed looks bigger, but very friendly and quite. This dog needs exercise to maintain temperament, so just keep doing outdoor activity such as running. Study showed than Greyhound is the lowest dog to keep at home regarding its maintenance. For beginner, it is good news and starting point to enter dog world.

Hundreds of breeds are available for dog owners, but only few of them that are suitable to keep for novice. Dogs do not have independent character and loving trait. Therefore, the best dog breed for me is the most suitable one to enjoy having dog at home.