3 Top Choice of African Dog Breeds that You Should Know About!

Basenji Dog Breed

Doggiebreeds.com – African dog breeds are unique for they are believed to be a part of the oldest breed in the world. Though unfortunately, such belief have been dismissed by scientists because most breeds turns out to just being recently bred. Still, African breeds are well known to be very diverse, for the continent itself has a very vast area.

Therefore, no wonder that there are many dog breed that turns out to be African, and yet you just haven’t known the fact before. We’re going to list below some of the most popular dog breeds from Africa, in case you are interested in adopting one and telling your friends about the fact that you have a dog from Africa.

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African Dog Breeds as Your Pet

African Dog Breeds
African Dog Breeds

Out of many African dog breeds, we’re going to include top three dog which can be your perfect lifetime companion. Here’s the list we have.

  • Azawakh

Azawakh has a thin and tall posture, which makes it a great guard dog. This type of dog particularly likes to run, thus it may need several times outside to get some fresh air to avoid it from being stressed. Azawakh is also well known to be very loyal to its owner and can be protective over time.

Azawakh Breeders
Azawakh Breeders
  • Basenji

Basenji is known to be the purest native African dog breeds. Unlike Azawakh, Basenji tends to be in a smaller dog category. The most protruding characteristic of a basenji breed is that it doesn’t bark, but it does some kind of howl, which makes this dog particularly unique.

Basenji Dog Breed
Basenji Dog Breed
  • Sloughi

Sloughi, on the other hand, is believed to have a close relation to Azawakh breed. These particular African dog breeds also have a thin and tall posture, making it a great guard dog as well. Since its nature to be a huge dog, it might be better to adopt them if you have a large space for them to move around as they can get a little stressed if kept at home for too long.

Sloughi Dog Breed
Sloughi Dog Breed

From what has been mentioned above, you can tell that most of the dog breeds from Africa is unique in their own way, either from their size or their particular characteristic. Most of them have a relatively long age since their life can expand to approximately 12 years. If you want to adopt African dog breeds, they can be a pretty great companion and also help you guarding your home safety.

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