2 Top The Largest Breed of Dog Pictures And Names

Largest Breed of Dog

Doggiebreeds.com – The largest breed of dog has so many variations in weight, height, shape, color, and purpose. Dog is an animal that has hundreds of breeds found around the world. Some of the breeds are classified as the biggest dog breed.

The size has always something to with the purpose of people owning it; whether it is for hunting being a home guard with more threats, or even just a company to survive in freezing times and locations. Among the hundreds of dog breeds around the world, here are two of the largest.

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2 Top The Largest Breed of Dog Pictures And Names

Largest Breed of Dog
Largest Breed of Dog
  • The Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees has stand tall until 30-39 inches and the weigh between 52 -59 kg. This kind of dogs is considered as one of the largest breed of dog and well-known for their protective instinct and attractiveness. It mostly plays the role as watchdogs back in 3000 BC, protecting livestock. This huge dog breed is very calm, well-trained and trustworthy.

Its chest is very broad and the head is wedge-like. This dog has attractive ears taking on the shape V hanging downwards. The tail is long plumed and the eyes are almond-shaped. The Great Pyrenees is naturally armed with a great sense of hearing that sustains it to identify the threats and danger easily. It is generally very loving, loyal and dedicated to their owner. The dog also barks a lot yet still love to play around with non-dog entities.

Great Pyrenees Shedding
Great Pyrenees Shedding
  • English Mastiff

English Mastiff is also called as old English Mastiff. This largest breed of dog is one of the oldest in the world. This breed is the largest dog breed on earth based on the mass. Mastiffs weigh 68-110 kg and the shoulder could stand as high as 27-33 inches on average. The giant body size of Mastiffs can effortlessly block or attack the external intruders.

The ears take on V shape and the nose as well as the mask also gives them a unique look and inherent functions for them to sense the threats without making mistakes. Their short haired coat may vary in colors such as gold and apricot. The breed is very intelligent and born to be the guard. The Mastiffs bark very rarely, so this breed is really suitable for those who live in an apartment.

English Mastiff vs Bullmastiff
English Mastiff vs Bullmastiff

Always choose a kind of extra large dog breeds that suits your personality, purpose, and location where you live.

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